Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Tanis: an introduction.

Tanis was born in October 1991. He was found with his family in a hessian bag by a creek. His mother was a pure-breed Chinese White who must have drawn the attention of a wandering tabby. Apparently pure-breeds are no longer pure once they've mated with a non-pure cat, and it's believed that this led to Tanis and his unwanted family being stuck in a sack and dumped.

Fortunately they were found by a lady who took them all in and tried to find them homes. The two boys were tabby with patches of white, and their four sisters were all white with light patches of grey. Tanis was the smartest and most adventurous of his siblings. He was the first to venture out of their box, and the first to use his litter tray. He was the one who came over to see me when I came around to see him.

This was me in my hip-hop dayz. I think I look pretty convincing, except for the calculator watch. I probably should have re-thought that one.

Tanis was confident, lithe and athletic in his youth, and his future was bound to be BIG.

1 comment:

JJ Glamma said...

Yes, definitely the calculator watch. Certainly not the fact that you are holding a kitten.