Monday, January 16, 2006

Flowerpot cats

Galadriel, Comma and Mandrake didn’t mind sharing. Mi tazón de fuente del alimento, su tazón de fuente del alimento (or “My food bowl is your food bowl”) was how they lived (and ate). And the sharing didn’t end there. Mi crisol de cerámica de la flor, su crisol de cerámica de la flor (or “My ceramic flower pot is your ceramic flower pot) was another adage they lived by.

Galadriel, ever the responsible parent, (sort of), modelled this behaviour to her offspring by using the flowerless pot on our front porch.

Mandrake caught on first,

but Comma wasn’t far behind.

Coming home or walking out the front door, you could never be sure who'd be on guard in the little ceramic tower.

Unfortunately once the two brothers hit adolescence and their relationship with their Mum went to hell, we didn't see Galadriel using the pot much. Which was a shame. I used to love watching her watch over her two boys when they were young, and when I took the photo below, it seemed like they'd always be a tight little unit. But I guess that's nature's way, and at least Comma and Drake stayed close while they were still together.

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