Friday, April 14, 2006

Kitten War

A friend just drew my attention to Kitten War. A head-to-head battle of cuteness between kittens from all over the world. It's brilliant. I've just submitted Comma (who will surely reign supreme), but he hasn't been approved yet. I think it'll take a day or so.

Victory stats are kept, so I'll get back to you on his progress. Note that I don't need to tell you to go there and vote for him. I know he'll do well whether you do or not. :-)

UPDATE: Comma's current battle stats are Won: 10 (59%), Lost: 6 (35%), Drawn: 1 (6%). I can't even comprehend what those other 7 cats must have looked like! I guess they must have been biased votes from their owners or something? If you're dying to keep track, Comma's individual scorecard can be found here.

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