Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Comma's collars.

Comma managed to lose another collar last week. No great loss. Collars are easy to replace… or so I thought! The real loss was his grandfather’s name tag that he’s been wearing in memory of the departed Tanis (the Great). Comma was like a young kiddie on Anzac Day wearing the medals of an old timer long gone. So now Tanis really has slipped beyond the pale, or under the house, or whatever. Comma seems fine with the situation, and happier without the collar. Honestly, you’d think he prefers to not have a close-fitting band of stiff material around his neck with a bell, name tag, and council registration tag all hanging off it. I’m just glad I scanned Tanis' old tag before it went missing in action.

So when Kate was doing some shopping at Coles the other day, she went to the pet aisle to pick up a new collar. Plenty of dog collars, but surprisingly few cat collars, and the few they did have were all awful. The next night we were both at a different Coles, but it was the same situation. The only one that even came close was, at first glance, a nice looking red one, but which happened to be made of faux velvet and studded with diamantes! Not sure if something so regal is in keeping with Comma’s character, but it was the best of a bad bunch, and we couldn’t be bothered going elsewhere, so we bought it. I’m sure pet shops have a wider range, but they’re never open at convenient hours.

Anyway, on closer inspection I discovered the diamantes could be easily removed, but we thought we’d give ‘em a go first. Maybe Comma’d love them? Maybe it’s the change he’s been looking for? He didn’t fight like he usually does when I put it on, so I took that as a good sign, and he seems quite comfortable with it on. Just have to see how he goes in the school yard…

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