Thursday, November 10, 2005

Comma’s Paternal Question Mark.

The other day as I was hurrying to work, I came across the grey and black cat that we’ve always suspected is Comma’s father. Suspected mostly because Comma has these wispy grey parts to his coat that he didn’t get from his Mum, and this is really the only grey cat we see around. I’ve often seen him from a distance, but this time he was right up close. I stopped to say hi, crouched down, and put my hand out, hoping he’d come over; which he promptly did. Now I’m no expert on cat biology and what traits and characteristics they pass onto their offspring, but I noted four things with interest:

1. He was remarkably friendly, just like Comma;
2. His markings were very similar to Comma’s;
3. His tail was unusually long, just like Comma’s; and
4. That when he miaowed, he sounded just like Comma (who has this distinctive miaow that’s a bit high-pitched and… well, wussy).

Unfortunately I couldn’t get a clear shot of his face as he was moving a lot and it was an overcast morning, so the automatic settings on my camera kept using too long an exposure. I was running late for work, so I didn’t bother fiddling with manual settings, and just contented myself with a few quick snaps. He’d stop now and then, but always with his back to me. I’d get my camera ready, but as soon as he’d turn to face me, he’d barrel over and rub against me and I’d get a blurry shot during his approach. Oh well, I’m sure there’ll be other times.

So is he Comma’s father? Who can say? I’ve got no idea if this cat has been de-sexed, or if it’s even a male, come to think of it, but the signs are there! Further investigation (and possible collection of DNA samples) required…

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